Weight and Obesity Services

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About the Smiley Rating
  1. Service rating: There is some evidence that the site works. One or two good studies support its use.


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    Achieve Together is an online program designed to promote healthy weight-loss and weight maintenance. (English)

  2. Service rating: There is some evidence that the site works. One or two good studies support its use.


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    Balance is a 6-week self-help system designed to help you manage your weight.  It is tailored to your specific needs based on baseline assessment data, and your goals for weight loss, confidence and barriers. (English)

  3. Service rating: There is some evidence that the site works. One or two good studies support its use.

    StudentBodies™BED (USA)

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    The StudentBodies-BED intervention is a 16-week program for adolescents that combines cognitive behavioural principles for binge eating disorders with a psychoeducational approach to weight loss. (English)

  4. Service rating: There is evidence that the site might work. More conclusive studies are needed.

    Staying Fit

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    Staying Fit is an online program designed to help overweight young people learn about healthy eating and physical activity. (English)

  5. Service rating: There is evidence that the site might work. More conclusive studies are needed.

    Vtrim Online

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    Vtrim Online offers 12-week programs designed to change eating and exercise habits using behaviour modification techniques. (English)

  6. Service rating: There is evidence that the site might work. More conclusive studies are needed.

    NetBehavior Therapy for Weight Loss

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    The NetBehaviour Therapy for weight loss program is designed to provide guidance and support to those who need to lose weight. (English)

  7. Service rating: There is evidence that the site might work. More conclusive studies are needed.


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    Nutracheck is a fee-based online/mobile food and exercise diary. The program creates a personal daily calorie target based on the personal information you provide. (English)

  8. Service rating: There is no evidence at the moment.

    Healthy Weight Center

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    The Healthy Weight Centre (HWC) program is designed to help users achieve and maintain a healthy weight, using behaviour-change exercises which have been adapted for delivery online, combined with online social networking tools such as forums and instant messaging. (English)

  9. Service rating: There is no evidence at the moment.

    Overweight Experience Journal

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    The Overweight Experience Journal is a collection of stories, pictures, and personal experiences from families about what it has been like to contend with paediatric weight issues. (English)

  10. Service rating: There is no evidence at the moment.

    Gezond Gewicht Assistent (Healthy Weight Assistant)

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    The goal of the Healthy Weight Assistant (HWA) is to support people with a healthy weight and people who are slightly overweight (BMI between 18 and 28) to achieve and maintain a healthy weight. (Dutch)