Snow Control (Switzerland)


Snow Control is an online self-help tool for cocaine users. It is a 6 week program based on the principles of cognitive behaviour therapy and self-control. The program is in German and aims to help problematic cocaine users to reduce their cocaine use. A weekly consumption diary is completed recording cocaine use for the past week and planned use for the coming week, with automated progress charts and statistics available for review throughout the program. During the first four weeks, a new module is activated each week covering strategies for goal achievement, identifying risk situations, dealing with cocaine craving and relapses. Any or all of the following four modules can be completed during the final two weeks, including: enjoying leisure time, dealing with burdens, saying no to foster refusal skills and preserving achievements. 

Service URL:
Agency Responsible:
Institut für Suchtund Gesundheitsforschung (Swiss Institute for Addiction and Health Research) Zürich, Switzerland.


Intervention Type:
Psychological – CBT. and motivational interviewing
Course Length:
Long (more than 5 modules). 8 interactive modules over a period of 6 weeks
Support Option:
No support.

Target Audience

Primary Category:
Substance abuse. cocaine use
Target Audience:


Open: With registration. Currently recruiting participants for a research trial.
Contact Details: 

Research evidence

Research Trials:
Research RCTs:
Outcome Summary:

A trial (1) was conducted on N=196 adults who had used cocaine at least three times in the last 30 days. The Snow Control intervention was tested against an educational control program. Adherence rates were very low in both groups, as were response rates at follow-up assessments. No significant differences in results were observed between groups post-treatment on measures of cocaine dependence or craving, nor were there significant differences between groups in reduction in weekly use of cocaine. This trial did not provide evidence of the efficacy of Snow Control.

Another trial is currently underway (2) testing a newer version of the program, with and without guided chat counselling, against a waitlist control. 

Recommended rating, reviewer 1:

There is no evidence at the moment.
Recommended rating, reviewer 2:

There is no evidence at the moment.

Read more about Beacon's Smiley Rating System.

Research paper citations

(1) Schaub, M., Sullivan, R., Haug, S., & Stark, L. (2012). Web-based cognitive behavioral self-help intervention to reduce cocaine consumption in problematic cocaine users: randomized controlled trial. Journal of medical Internet research, 14(6).


Additional references:

(2) Schaub, M. P., Maier, L. J., Wenger, A., Stark, L., Berg, O., Beck, T., ... & Haug, S. (2015). Evaluating the efficacy of a web-based self-help intervention with and without chat counseling in reducing the cocaine use of problematic cocaine users: the study protocol of a pragmatic three-arm randomized controlled trial. BMC psychiatry, 15(1), 156.


Schaub, M., Sullivan, R. and Stark, L. (2011)  Snow Control - An RCT protocol for a web-based self-help therapy to reduce cocaine consumption in problematic cocaine users.  BMC Psychiatry, 11: 153. 

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Last Updated: May 22nd 2018