Depression Services

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About the Smiley Rating
  1. Service rating: There is some evidence that the site works. One or two good studies support its use.

    myCompass (Australia)

    Service screenshot

    Platform: Other

    The myCompass program is designed to help Australian residents gain control of mild to moderate stress, anxiety and/or depression using a mobile phone and/or computer. (English)

  2. Service rating: There is evidence that the site might work. More conclusive studies are needed.

    M3 Screen - WhatsMyM3

    Service screenshot

    Platforms: Android and Apple

    The M3 Screen is a brief symptom checklist for potential mood and anxiety disorder symptoms. It is designed to assess your risk of depression, bipolar and anxiety disorders (including PTSD). (English and Spanish)

  3. Service rating: There is no evidence at the moment.

    Mood 24/7 (USA)

    Service screenshot

    Platform: Other

    Mood 24/7 uses text messages to help you log and track your moods, providing an easy way to record how you're feeling in real time. (English)

  4. Service rating: There is no evidence at the moment.

    Moody Me

    Service screenshot

    Platform: Apple

    Moody Me is an iPhone application designed to help in managing a mood disorder, depression, or anxiety. (English)

  5. Service rating: There is no evidence at the moment.


    Service screenshot

    Platform: Apple

    The Moodivate app delivers behavioural activation therapy by first providing education about depression and how negative emotions, thoughts and behaviours form a cycle and that breaking that cycle can lead to improvement. (English)